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'Voice Over Virtual' Enters Day 3
... And That's Not All Folks!

September 20, 2013

(VOXtra) - Today Voice Over Virtual charges into Day 3 of its innovative online run, uniting the voice over industry in a full-fledged conference of more than 50 educational sessions, plus interactive exhibit halls with hot deals and info, spontaneous networking - by text and webcam - private meetings with trainers, agents and casting directors, and much more.

"It's been a whirl for us all," says event Producer John Florian, who is also publisher of the VoiceOverXtra online news, training and resource center.

"The entire conference experience is live 24/7 through November 30 this year," he notes, "and we had designated the main days for social interaction as September 18 to 20.

"But there's so much enthusiasm for the networking with colleagues and trainers and exhibitors online here, that we're very seriously considering expanding that aspect. The staff is brainstorming this now.

"We've had some tech hiccups this first time around," Florian adds, "and learning to chat with webcam and send messages has had a bit of a learning curve.

"But we've got a great Help Desk staff, and now that we're into it, many people want to keep the networking and live group meetings going."


Meanwhile, the bustling conference continues and grows today.

Attendees will find deals in the exhibit halls, chat with trainers in private meeting rooms, have career discussions - and share demos - with agents and casting directors, and of course, view top notch voice over training sessions for all career levels.

Today's live Q&A features audio expert George Whittam troubleshooting home studio audio problems. That starts at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

Here's a Friday program review:

Best of all, there's still time to register for this groundbreaking event, which actually continues through November 30, 2013. Click here for details, and click the red REGISTER NOW button to join in.

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