The Mighty Tongue Twister ...
For Mighty Good Voice Acting
![]() By Joe Loesch
Voice Actor & Coach
The Mighty Tongue Twister can be the key to a mighty performance.
It may very well hold the magic that turns a good VO performance into great!
You've been honing your skills for some time now. You've been reading aloud at every possible opportunity to direct your reading into conversation ...
Weeks, months, even a year or so later, here you are ... you're a voice actor!
But one of the most overlooked and yet simple exercises a voice actor can do is the 'tongue twister!' We have all grown up at least being familiar with what they are. We have all heard:
Look at it this way, it's sort of like investing in and agreeing to a monthly fee at the gym, and then you don't go to the gym.
Why would you invest in classes, a demo, a USB microphone, recording software, promo materials, endless hours of honing your skills, etc. and then not exercise? DO THE TWIST
Don't overlook this simple yet mighty step .. .do your tongue twisters! Here's one of my favorites. Learn it, use it, do it!
Break it down into four sections. Learn each section before moving on:
Now three times fast all the way through!
I hope you find this helpful. Much success to you in your voice over career! ABOUT JOE ...
Joe Loesch is a voice over coach, actor, producer and the voice for many cartoon characters for the Disney channel. He narrates audiobooks for Harper Collins, Zondervan Publishing, Thomas Nelson, Pacific Press, Readio Theatre and The Lampo Group, and has voiced dozens of commercials for national and regional advertisers, including Philips/Magnavox, Bridgestone/Firestone, Folgers Coffee, Sun Sweet Prunes, Ford, Chevy and Toyota. He appears in movies and national on-camera TV commercials, and recently recorded and produced Dave Ramsey's Junior's Adventures audio CDs (listen at Email:
Always pay attention to your room first. If your room doesn’t sound good, your mic and mic placement will not matter.
You mention practicing "microphone techniques," but you don't explain what they are... What are they?
Bruce >
I love a good twist tonguer! When it becomes muscle memory, I need a new twister!