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You Can Send Email Messages to Family
of Don LaFontaine; Memorial Service Sept. 9
Sept. 7, 2008
By Beau Weaver
Voice Actor
So many have written asking how they might express their condolences to the family of Don LaFontaine (who passed away on Sept. 2 . See story).
A private funeral for family and close friends was held on Friday. A Tuesday (Sept. 9) memorial service in LA is likely to turn away hundreds who have not already RSVP'd.
But for the many who cannot make either event, or who are out of town, or out of the country, we have set up an email address to which everyone is invited to send their thoughts, prayers, and remembrances for Don's family.
You may attach audio, photos, or even video. All will be printed, and presented to Don's wife Nita and daughters, Christine, Skye and Elyse.
The email address is:
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