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Spanish Voice Overs Category Opens
For Voice Arts
™ Awards; Enter By Sept. 7
September 4, 2014

(VOXtra) - A general category for Outstanding Spanish Language Voiceover has been created for the first annual Voice Arts™ Awards - a year ahead of what competition organizers had planned - and six well-known jurors (see below) will begin evaluating entries following that category's entry deadline of September 7.

The general category is accepting Spanish language commercials, promos, trailers and demos.

Announced earlier this year, the Voice Arts Awards is a major competition encompassing dozens of categories for participants and types of work related to voice over. Sponsored by the Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (SOVAS), the competition's winners will be announced and honored at a gala on November 9 in New York City.

"We saw an unprecedented number of Latinos signing up to 'Like' our Facebook pages and making inquiries about the competition," says SOVAS CEO Rudy Gaskins. "A few entered the contest in spite of the requirement for entries to be in English, and said they were fine with being judged against English-speaking competitors.

"So we realized our postponement of opening Spanish categories until next year's competition was more of a knee-jerk reaction than a true limitation, so we decided to fly into action and do something about it,” Gaskins explains.

For entry details, visit or email


"For jurors, we were able to reach out to and secure some of the most respected and talented Spanish speaking industry experts from New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans and Mexico,” Gaskins adds. "The combined experience and international accomplishments of the six Spanish jurors is astounding.”

The jurors are Sylvia Villagran, Frank Rodriguez, Marjorie Kouns, George DelHoyo (pictured), Barbara Ransom, and Wanda Arriaga.

"Each of the jurors stepped in without hesitation and with a sense of fully embracing an opportunity to provide a service for their community," notes SOVAS Board member Joan Baker.

"That was inspiring to see, and I couldn’t be more grateful nor humbled by their commitment.”


Separately, SOVAS has also announced many of the jurors for the main English-language competition, which ended on August 31.

For details about those jurors, please click here.

And for details about the entire competition, visit

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