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Paul Strikwerda Suffers Stroke Inside VO Booth -  Recovering Now, Relates Horrible Experience

April 12, 2018

(VOXtra) - Paul Strikwerda, a top voice talent whose blogs about the voice-over world frequently appear on VoiceOverXtra shook us on March 27 with a Facebook post that began characteristically for Paul with no hint as to what would follow:
"Yesterday I had my first helicopter ride ..."
And then he knocked the breath out of us by continuing:
"... as I was airlifted from my home studio to the hospital. After a stroke."
Today he's recovering at home, and in his first blog since that awful day, Paul recounts the horror of experiencing a stroke while confined in his sound-proof VO booth, alone at home, unable to move and gasping for air ...
In the late afternoon while at work in my studio, I suddenly and inexplicably began to feel light-headed. My legs became weak like rubber, unable to support the body they held up.

Then I blacked out for who knows how long. It felt like minutes, but it could have been for hours. When I regained consciousness, I found myself on the floor, painfully twisted like a pretzel, gasping for air. I tried to get up on both knees but couldn't. It was as if my brain's messages didn't reach my muscles. I'd never experienced anything like it in my life. 

... While I was lying on the floor, I noticed that my breathing had become very shallow. I had no idea for how long I had been down. The lightheadedness got worse by the minute, and suddenly it dawned upon me that I was using up all the oxygen in my seven by seven, hermetically sealed, and unventilated voice-over studio. I clearly needed help, but who could possibly rescue me?
Yet thank goodness, today Paul is not only recovering, but again sharing observations about life, including the values of positive thinking and having supporting, caring people in his life.

Besides hundreds of well-wishes during his hospital stay, Paul received visits from many friends, including Uncle Roy Yokelson and Mike Harrison (pictured).

Click here to read Paul's entire blog about the stroke experience.

Paul: Whew! Welcome home ... and take it easy!

For more about Paul Strikwerda and to contact him:

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Comments (6)
Johnny George
4/20/2018 at 6:37 PM
I'm so sorry this happened to you, Paul. Please continue to mend as we all send you good vibes and prayers for your quick recovery.

Positive prayers everyone.

God bless you, my friend.
Dave Johnston
4/18/2018 at 7:56 AM
Greetings from the Heartland of Iowa. I was shocked at this news.Thoughts and prayers for you. In some ways it sets you back, but important, it moves you forward perhaps with new perspective. Thank you for what you do to move us voicelings forward. You are a great influence in my life and career. Take care of yourself.
David Brower
4/16/2018 at 12:56 PM
Prayers for continued success on your road to recovery. I had my stroke (TIA) on June 11th 2007 so I know of what you feel and will be forever grateful to the medical professionals that took me on the right road.

Be well...and when in doubt, have ice cream! :-)
Paul Payton
4/12/2018 at 4:26 PM
I haven't been on Facebook lately - not wanting to be hacked - so I didn't know about this until I got Paul's blog post this morning, where I already posted my great surprise and best wishes. What a shocker! Yes, "life happens," but people as right-on as Paul don't deserve crap like this. He's lucky to have his loving wife and daughter and his many friends, a group in which I hope he counts me! I wish him quick and total healing as painlessly as possible. Genezen, broer!
Paul Strikwerda
4/12/2018 at 12:00 PM
If you're ever wondering how kind and caring the voice-over community really is, I hope you'll find healthier ways to find out than getting a stroke.

I'm lucky to be alive, and to have so many colleagues who wish me the very best. The feeling is entirely mutual!
Bill Jurney
4/12/2018 at 11:23 AM
Paul, I’m glad you’re recovering! ❤️🙏
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